Singapore Shipping Companies
and Freight Agents
the first letter of the company name you want.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M]
[N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
- A & T Freight Management Pte Ltd
Tel: 6276 6116 Fax: 6276 1661
- A Hartrodt Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 7511 Fax: 6227 7500 CR:15772830000G
- A R Transportation Freight Forwarding
Tel: 6338 2330 Fax: 6338 9916
- Abex Transport & Shipping Agency
Tel: 6292 5902/3 Fax: 6296 0035
- ABX Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6535 7676 Fax: 6542 1194 CR:15639890000C
- Accord Feta Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6543 0338 Fax: 6546 7505 CR:13153890000R
- Accord Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6410 2800 Fax: 6410 2858 CR:14130840000W
- ADC Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 8823 Fax: 6324 0605 CR:71560020000G
- Addicon Logistics Managements (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6224 4661 Fax: 6225
8919 CR: 72630010000M
- Advance Container Lines (Pte) Ltd
Tel: 6221 2621 Fax: 6221 8116 CR:16538940000E
- Advance Freight Services
Tel: 6270 5229 Fax: 6270 5021 CR:10895920000Z
- AEX Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6533 5313 Fax: 6438 6606 CR:13303990000K
- AFA Freight Agency Pte Ltd
Tel: 6224 7298 Fax: 6224 6891 CR:16550960000W
- AGI Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 2393 Fax: 6323 2392 CR:73596000000H
- Ahlers Asia Pte Ltd
Tel: 6324 4271 Fax: 6324 6360 CR: 17990970000K
- Aik Huat Transport Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 6095 Fax: 6224 1946 CR:15359810000E
- Aikai Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6265 5330 Fax: 6265 4257 CR:14049880000D
- Air Sea Consolidator Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 3298 Fax: 6542 3633 CR:10792950000N
- Air Tiger Express (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 1616 Fax: 6545 7093 CR:16347920000D
- Airmark Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 8781 Fax: 6542 3274 CR:12731870000E
- Airocean Group Ltd
Tel: 6542 9333 Fax: 6542 8760 CR:16301930000N
- Airtrans Freight (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 4536 Fax: 6546 2606 CR:10772980000K
- Alfro Pte Ltd
Tel: 6449 0245 Fax: 6448 8944 CR:11992780000D
- All-Cargo Express (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 3188 Fax: 6542 3080 CR:12888820000D
- Allied Container Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6270 6200 Fax: 6270 9706 CR:12267750000M
- Allied Pickfords (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6862 4700 Fax: 6861 4100 CR:10143730000C
- Alpine Arm Express & Distribution (S) P/L
Tel: 6275 6686 Fax: 6275
6636 CR:16181910000M
- Altrans Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6314 5341 Fax: 6314 5342 CR:14634980000M
- Altron Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6325 6500 Fax: 6325 6566 CR:14907970000D
- AMA Freight (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6546 7511 Fax: 6543 0617 CR:13307890000E
- AMG Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 9036 Fax: 6542 8764 CR:13721840000G
- Ampa Line Pte Ltd
Tel: 6294 2932 Fax: 6294 2489 CR:
- ANB Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6224 3633 Fax: 6224 8551 CR:17893970000H
- Andhika Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 3500 Fax: 6227 1041 CR:17257990000H
- Ants Logistic Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 3183 Fax: 6323 7938 CR:17156990000D
- AOE Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 9333 Fax: 6542 8760 CR:16301930000N
- AP Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6338 0830 Fax: 6338 7802 CR:11253960000E
- APC - Asia Pacific Cargo (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6226 2522 Fax: 6221 6769
- APL - American President Line
Tel: 6371 2000 Fax: 6292 5489 CR:14017960000W
- Apollo Container Line (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6337 2232 Fax: 6339 8171
- APT Freight & Warehousing
Tel: 6227 6901/2 Fax: 6220 0901 CR:34536510000H
- ARIC Consolidation Freight Services
Tel: 6445 2611 Fax: 6445 7055 CR:33625430000H
- ASF Air-Sea Forwarding Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 9282 Fax: 6545 9373 CR:10522940000H
- Asia Cargo Services
Tel: 6295 2119 Fax: 6297 7228 CR:36353520000M
- Asia Oceanic Container Line
Tel: 6222 7022 Fax: 6222 7277 CR:34560580000M
- Asia-Trans International Movers Pte Ltd
Tel: 6261 7061 Fax: 6268 8966
- ASIAN Roadway Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 6971 Fax: 6225 6793 CR:11426960000H
- ASL Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6358 3040 Fax: 6358 3041 CR:14848990000E
- Astral Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 5242 Fax: 6323 2560 CR:13196830000R
- Astro J-Hong Container Lines Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 6045 Fax: 6325 4080
- Austorient Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6324 2686 Fax: 6324 2663
- Avant Holdings Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 1115 Fax: 6738 7003 CR:12305770000D
- Avant Shipping Lines Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 9988 Fax: 6223 4422 CR:12305770000D
- Aviosped (SEA) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6348 3282 Fax: 6348 3873 CR:13271930000Z
- Aw Tpt & Warehousing Pte Ltd
Tel: 6863 6050 Fax: 6863 3692 CR:16036920000R
- Badger Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 3225 Fax: 6227 3886 CR:14631940000K
- Balaji Logistics (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6224 7578 Fax: 6227 0609
- Balisa Shipping & Trading Pte Ltd
Tel: 6345 5700 Fax: 6345 5227
CR: 13249800000W
- Baltrans Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 1807 Fax: 6546 4989 CR:15400820000E
- Bangladesh Shipping Corportation c/o Collyer Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6836 6776
Fax: 6733 0768 CR: 10653830000R
- Bax Global Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 9788 Fax: 6542 7726 CR:11539860000Z
- Baylink Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6841 7973 Fax: 6841 7974 CR:19192940000G
- Bayswater Shipping & Forwarding Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 7383 Fax: 6276
7883 CR:12847840000R
- BCS Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 8332 Fax: 6224 3343 CR:11298860000C
- BDP Asia-Pacific (Singapore)
Tel: 6278 2988 Fax: 6270 7817 CR:35243280000E
- Bengal Tiger Line c/o Ben Line Agencies
Tel: 6225 3522 Fax: 6225 2436
CR: 10237660000Z
- Beslink Shipping Services
Tel: 6323 4534 Fax: 6323 4539 CR:36242230000N
- Beta-Line International Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 0980 Fax: 6221 0981 CR:12859990000K
- Better Freight Enterprise
Tel: 6224 8684 Fax: 6224 3310 CR:34815800000R
- Bintang Mas Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6224 0988 Fax: 6225 7564 CR:14123840000W
- Birkart SEA Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 5166 Fax: 6542 5386 CR:10716730000D
- Blue Line Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 0090 Fax: 6220 0060 CR:74021010000R
- Blue Water Lyden International Pte Ltd
Tel: 6862 4414 Fax: 6862 4424
- Bok Seng Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6861 2025 Fax: 6861 0325 CR:15010930000R
- Borneo Pacific Lines
Tel: 6275 3533 Fax: 6275 5766 CR:
- Bridgewater Shipping & Forwarding Pte Ltd
Tel: 6777 9990 Fax: 6778
9990 CR:10703780000N
- BSA Transportation
Tel: 6336 9388 Fax: 6336 1368 CR:11922920000H
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- C Air Spedition Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 1302 Fax: 6223 9822 CR:12344870000M
- C&G Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6276 0313 Fax: 6276 0315 CR:
- C&P Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 6331 Fax: 6545 4828 CR:13406790000Z
- C. Chantins Pte Ltd
Tel: 6841 6768 Fax: 6841 6769 CR:11461890000W
- CA Transportation & Warehousing Pte Ltd
Tel: 6560 0028 Fax: 6261
1164 CR:10740920000G
- Cahaya Samudera Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6292 2490 Fax: 6292 2232 CR:
- Cargo Link Consolidation Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6276 7633 Fax: 6276
3313 CR:15293930000Z
- Cargo Management Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 7646 Fax: 6227 1908 CR:13085920000Z
- Cargo Services International (Pte) Ltd
Tel: 6542 2418 Fax: 6542 2910
- Cargolines Freight Services
Tel: 6392 0019 Fax: 6392 0020 CR:36074090000K
- Cargoways Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 9090 Fax: 6222 9263 CR:17911970000Z
- Cargoworld (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6440 6466 Fax: 6440 6891 CR:10737910000D
- Central Express Lines Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 9533 Fax: 6272 9932 CR:12797860000Z
- CF Sharp Shipping Agencies
Tel: 6536 7636 Fax: 6536 7446 CR:10085530000C
- Chahaya Shipping & Trading Co, Pte Ltd
Tel: 6538 4513 Fax: 6538 1768 CR:10493890000C
- Chan Kain Thye Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 2118 Fax: 6222 2113 CR:13200920000M
- Chapman Container Lines (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 0882 Fax: 6225 0932 CR:
- Charter Shipping Agencies (S) Pte Ltd
6323 2203 Fax: 6323 2721
- CHC Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6276 7555 Fax: 6275 6646 CR:13360900000H
- Chiang Huat Transport Pte Ltd
Tel: 6737 0479 Fax: 6734 7640 CR:15328900000W
- Chiang Ling Warehousing & Transportation Pte Ltd
Tel: 6534 2481 Fax:
6535 7485 CR:12400870000M
- China SEA Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6325 2533 Fax: 6327 1425 CR:11644960000C
- China Shipping (S) Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6533 0898 Fax: 6533 2575 CR:
- Chrysobel Asia Line
Tel: 6221 9076 Fax: 6221 9067 CR:36838500000Z
- Chua Bros Transportation Pte Ltd
Tel: 6472 4277 Fax: 6479 4168
- City Freight (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 6768 Fax: 6545 6571 CR:17535950000R
- CMA CGM & ANL (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6275 7800 Fax: 6275 7079
CR: 77072000000M
- CNC Lines - Cheng Lie Navigation Co, Ltd
6323 2203 Fax: 6323 2721 CR: 70675020000M
- Cohesive Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6734 8000 Fax: 6734 2283 CR:12810870000D
- Collyer Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6836
6776 Fax: 6733 0768 CR: 10653830000R
- Columbus Line c/o Ben Line Agencies (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 3522 Fax:
6224 0182 CR: 10237660000Z
- Comex Logistics Solutions Pte Ltd
Tel: 6734 5575 Fax: 6734 5002
- Commonwealth Freight Servies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6776
6077 Fax: 6779 6731
- Compass Rose Freight Systems Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 2680 Fax: 6220 9308
- Confer(Sea)Shipping
Tel: 6226 1868 Fax: 6224 5245 CR:13835840000W
- Conflo Line Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 3442 Fax: 6225 5446 CR:11939880000M
- Container Bridge (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 2055 Fax: 6227 2066 CR:15091940000R
- Contship Asia
Tel: 6227 5557 Fax: 6227 5558 CR:11536880000C
- Conway Forwarder Company
Tel: 6227 8803 Fax: 6220 7955 CR:33103460000K
- COSCO - Costar Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6226 1900 Fax: 6226 2208
- Cougar Express Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6566 3711 Fax: 6569 4972
- Cowell Express Services
Tel: 6425 6041 Fax: 6425 6042 CR:35125220000D
- CP Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6268 8818 Fax: 6266 4819 CR:10107930000M
- Crown Freight Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 6190 Fax: 6225 2603 CR:
- Crown Line (Pte) Ltd
Tel: 6261 0880 Fax: 6261 6116 CR:10821800000D
- Crown Worldwide Pte Ltd
Tel: 6861 6818 Fax: 6862 2840 CR:11966780000H
- Crystal Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6569 5988 Fax: 6267 5623 CR:12644820000Z
- CSK Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6897 8022 Fax: 6897 8033 CR:70039000000D
- CST Container Svcs Pte Ltd
Tel: 6270 7177 Fax: 6266 7872 CR:13122870000M
- CTI Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 7888 Fax: 6542 1691 CR:11175810000M
- CWT Distribution Pte Ltd
Tel: 6262 6888 Fax: 6265 2831 CR:10498700000C
- CWT Globelink Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 1833 Fax: 6225 8742 CR:10638840000M
top of page
- D.B. Turkish Cargo Lines c/o Paterson Shipping P/L
Tel: 6348 5766 Fax:
6346 5766 CR:10467680000C
- Daily Express Distribution & Warehousing
Tel: 6270 8577 Fax: 6270
7181 CR:12491900000R
- Damco Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 2788 Fax: 6323 2585 CR:11017710000N
- Danveron Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6455 4555 Fax: 6455 9895 CR:10878890000H
- Danzas AEI (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 7668 Fax: 6542 9057 CR:10723700000C
- Dartrans (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 7953 Fax: 6542 7947 CR:12761840000C
- DC Logistics & Freight Services
Tel: 6766 4175 Fax: 6769 1532 CR:
- DC Services Agency
Tel: 6438 4773 Fax: 6438 4893 CR:35275490000K
- Delipac Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6749 3960 Fax: 6749 4128 CR:13576930000W
- Delmas Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6337 7344 Fax: 6336 7433 CR:12281920000H
- Deugro (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6273 2700 Fax: 6271 0128 CR:12713890000R
- DFDS Transport (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 8191 Fax: 6227 0189 CR:12561900000M
- Diamond Int'l Consolidators (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6298 6020 Fax: 6291 3411
- Dimerco Express (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 2233 Fax: 6542 3442 CR:13009800000W
- Dino Maritime Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6299 6566 Fax: 6299 6296 CR:14055980000C
- DMS International Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227
3596 Fax: 6227 3494 CR:
- Dongnama Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 2211 Fax: 6225 8750 CR:15262950000E
- Draft-Cargoways (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 9090 Fax: 6222 9263 CR:17911970000C
- DutAir & Sea Cargo Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6285 7117 Fax: 6286 7117
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- Eagle Corporation
Tel: 6222 7788 Fax: 6294 9913 CR:10407700000R
- Eagle Datamation International Pte Ltd
Tel: 6247 9420 Fax: 6247 9419
- Eagle Global Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 9922 Fax: 6542 2873 CR:11084730000E
- Eagle Liner Shipping Agencies
Tel: 6272 9828 Fax: 6272 9695 CR:10212870000E
- EAS Int'l Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 0770 Fax: 6543 2265 CR:17419930000E
- Eastern Way P/L
Tel: 6220 7200 Fax: 6225 8168 CR:11390720000K
- Easy Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 0040 Fax: 6545 0076 CR:11137940000N
- ECL (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6774 0555 Fax: 6774 2242 CR:13051870000E
- ECU Line Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 3373 Fax: 6220 1366 CR:13532870000D
- EES Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 7878 Fax: 6272 4466 CR:15226830000N
- Embassy Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6742 3288 Fax: 6742 7488
- Emery Forwarding Corporation
Tel: 6543 5454 Fax: 6545 6345 CR:
- Emery Worldwide
Tel: 6546 2441 Fax: 6540 9746 CR:20018880000G
- Enkei Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 3674 Fax: 6542 6117 CR:11143830000G
- Ensign Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6535 6818 Fax: 6538 8387 CR:14665960000G
- Envico Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6268 9711 Fax: 6265 9982 CR:10521910000R
- ESP Lines (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 3681 (10 Lines) Fax: 6222 1187 CR:15020940000R
- Eternal International Shipping P/L
Tel: 6337 7202 Fax: 6337 7201 CR:
- Ethiopian Shipping Lines c/o Richfield Marine Agencies
Tel: 6225 0133 Fax: 6225 7115 CR:13770820000E
- Euro Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 2985 Fax: 6545 2009 CR:17662930000C
- Euro Pac Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 0188 Fax: 6225 3588 CR:15260890000D
- Euro Team Freight Svcs Pte Ltd
Tel: 6294 0800 Fax: 6294 2535 CR:10634860000D
- Eurobox Line Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6536 5766 Fax: 6536 9231 CR:11936890000G
- Ever Concord Lines Pte Ltd
Tel: 6742 7383 Fax: 6742 7170 CR:
- Everest Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 1219/221 2105 Fax: 6221
7136 CR:15056890000G
- Evergreen Line
Tel: 6347 7188 Fax: 6227 3045 CR:79116000000G
- Everise Freight Forwarders Pte Ltd
Tel: 6743 5811 Fax: 6743 4671 CR:
- Ewis Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 5669 Fax: 6223 5528 CR:14903890000E
- Expedient Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6324 7892 Fax: 6324 7055 CR:16640970000G
- Expeditors (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6543 0288 Fax: 6543 0233 CR:14553810000M
- Express Freight Services
Tel: 6222 6575 Fax: 6223 2113 CR:34993500000D
- F.S. Freight Systems Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 6118 Fax: 6270 6366 CR:14470810000K
- Far Eastern Freight Conference
Tel: 6332 0060 Fax: 6338 8386 CR:81021840000Z
- Far Eastern Services Pte Ltd (SCI Line)
Tel: 6298 9355 Fax: 6298 6544
CR: 10183670000M
- Farons Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 3088 Fax: 6227 2388 CR:10305920000M
- Farwide Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 8822 Fax: 6226 1514 CR:12425890000G
- Fast Forwarders Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 0633 Fax: 6545 8927 CR:10785880000G
- Fast Ipsen Logistic (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 5006 Fax: 6323 5004 CR:11491930000C
- Fastindo (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6270 8505 Fax: 6270 8528 CR:11273930000H
- Federal Forwarders Agencies
Tel: 6223 0766 Fax: 6224 8552 CR:33728630000N
- First Stevedoring & Tpt (Pte) Ltd
Tel: 6221 1144 Fax: 6225 1903 CR:11492720000G
- Flow Forwarding Pte Ltd
Tel: 6338 2995 Fax: 6338 5735 CR:10640850000E
- Foreign Freight Forwarders (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6337 3311 Fax: 6339 7710
- Formosa Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6546 0055 Fax: 6546 0540 CR:13599990000Z
- Fortune Freight (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6270 2345 Fax: 6270 1770 CR:14805910000D
- Fortune Lloyd c/o Inter-Continental Maritime P/L
Tel: 6222 5011 Fax:
6225 3543 CR:11452710000H
- Forward Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6346 5679 Fax: 6346 5680 CR:10083950000K
- Four Winds Logistics Svc Pte Ltd
Tel: 6264 6366 Fax: 6264 7536 CR:12123760000K
- FPS Global Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6587 1888 Fax: 6785 3588 CR:
- Freight Links Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6267 5511 Fax: 6267 5529 CR:10143810000R
- Freight Mall Pte Ltd
Tel: 6338 6268 Fax: 6338 9915 CR:72974010000K
- Freighter Services P/L
Tel: 6291 4403 Fax: 6291 4470 CR:12204880000N
- Freightworld Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 9755 Fax: 6225 3661 CR: 18714940000W
- Freshways Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6291 1292 Fax: 6297 1858 CR:13896880000N
- Fritz Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6546 5546 Fax: 6543 2517 CR:14132840000Z
- Frontier Labs Pte Ltd (Software House)
Tel: 6732 1525 Fax: 6732 8722
- G2K Forwarding Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6744 9868 Fax: 6743 9427
- G & S International Forwarders Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 9833 Fax: 6542
9868 CR:11974910000G
- G & U Logistics (S'pore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6668 4488 Fax: 6668 4422
- Gantarajasa Marinetrans Pte Ltd
Tel: 6345 3767 Fax: 6345 0757 CR:
- Gap-Link Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6276 5018 Fax: 6276 5016 CR:13636920000N
- Gatewest Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6440 9238 Fax: 6440 1183 CR:13196830000R
- GCNK Logistics Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6897 9500 Fax: 6897 9020 CR:15972980000C
- Geis Cargo (FE) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6319 6560 Fax: 6319 6579 CR:11865840000D
- Gemartrans (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6226 5662 Fax: 6226 5661 CR:
- General Ocean Freight (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 9228 Fax: 6226 7208
- Genshipping Pacific Line Pte Ltd
Tel: 6336 3533 Fax: 6338 7588 CR:11165920000R
- Geometra International Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6841 7880 Fax: 6841 2686
- Germaxco Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 5560 Fax: 6323 5562 CR:11874930000G
- Glenn Logistics (Sea) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 7937 Fax: 6272 9481 CR:
- Global Container Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6278 5122 Fax: 6278 5182 CR:15242910000K
- Global Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6743 8885 Fax: 6743 6566 CR: 17821990000M
- Globe Trans Forwarding (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6344 9353 Fax: 6344 0377 CR:13672920000C
- Glorious Shipping & Trading
Tel: 6897 8522 Fax: 6897 8523 CR:13607820000W
- Gold-Trans Worldwide Services (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6736 3256 Fax: 6732
6630 CR: 15656990000D
- Golden Line c/o Guan Guan Shipping P/L
Tel: 6534 3988 Fax: 6227 6776
- Golden Sparrow Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6224 4244 Fax: 6224 4744
- Goldin Enterprise Pte Ltd
Tel: 6273 3003 Fax: 6271 3003 CR:12408840000W
- Goldstar Line c/o Star Shipping Agencies (S) P/L
Tel: 6220 6666 Fax:
6225 2470 CR: 10310650000E
- Goldstream Containers (Pte) Ltd
Tel: 6533 3555 Fax: 6261 9074 CR:11354780000G
- Goldwin Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6535 5133 Fax: 6536 1372 CR:16075940000K
- Good Link Freight Express P/L
Tel: 6265 5688 Fax: 6265 7288 CR:17723930000R
- Goodrich Maritime Pte Ltd
Tel: 6744 7559 Fax: 6744 9155 CR:11938790000Z
- Goodtrans Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6294 9750 Fax: 6298 8075 CR:14702940000W
- Goodway Agencies (Shipping) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6743 0746 Fax: 6748 9530 CR:14411830000Z
- Goto Southeast Asia Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 9929 Fax: 6272 9935 CR:11724880000R
- GP International Forwarding Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 0028 Fax: 6225 0027 CR:16469950000G
- GQL Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6743 8885 Fax: 6743 6566
- Great Region Shipping c/o RCL Feeder P/L
Tel: 6220 0388 Fax: 6221 9760/224
2173 CR:13855870000E
- GreatLink Express Int'l
Tel: 6223 3139 Fax: 6223 3932 CR:35225450000W
- Grifin Kinetic Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 0133 Fax: 6542 4315 CR:10238860000H
- Gross Cargo Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 1056 Fax: 6542 4586 CR:12253990000M
- GSG Forwarder Pte Ltd
Tel: 6786 0700 Fax: 6786 0300 CR:12975900000G
- GSY Global Pte Ltd
Tel: 6372 4194
Fax: 6323 0515 CR:75362020000E
- GT&T Agency
Tel: 6346 7308 Fax: 6440 2362 CR: 3520730000
- Guan Guan Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6534 3988 Fax: 6227 6776 CR:10129550000W
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- Hai Feng Marine
Tel: 6278 6868 Fax: 6273 0303 CR:10137720000E
- Hal Ex Consolidated Freight
Tel: 6743 7250 Fax: 6749 4344 CR:34059640000E
- Hamburg Sud c/o Ben Line Agencies (S) Pte
Tel: 6225 3522 Fax: 6224 0182 CR: 10237660000Z
- Hammer Shipping Agencies
Tel: 6225 2366 Fax: 6225 2313 CR:37195910000C
- Handle Freight & Warehousing Services
Tel: 6542 7881 Fax: 6542
7978 CR:13043890000H
- Hanei Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6474 0262 Fax: 6474 0263 CR:72676000000C
- Hanjin Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 7055 Fax: 6536 1145 CR:
- Hanjin Worldwide Express (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6336 1212 Fax: 6382 2246
- Hankyu International Transport (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6276 0933 Fax: 6276
0911 CR:10103900000G
- Hansa International Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 1587 Fax: 6274 4844 CR:10371780000D
- Hansameyer Freight Forwarders Pte Ltd
Tel: 6224 1883 Fax: 6224 2161
- Hapag-Lloyd
Tel: 6223 6119 Fax: 6223 2182 CR:10373750000D
- Harbour Handlers (Pte) Ltd
Tel: 6221 1808 (5 Lines) Fax: 6221 1022
- Harbour Logistics & Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 0102 Fax: 6227 8552/3
CR: 76355000000G
- Harman Int'l S'pore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6266 2527 Fax: 6266 2526 CR:18037930000G
- Harpers Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 1388 Fax: 6224 0376 CR:16304900000E
- Hawk Forwarders Pte Ltd
Tel: 6475 3333 Fax: 6475 8833 CR:13306800000H
- Heap Seng Trading & Shipping
Tel: 6297 1122 Fax: 6297 2882 CR:10991740000G
- Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6291 1996 Fax: 6292 0649 CR: 11390880000D
- Hermes Shipping & Transport F.E. Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 5355 Fax: 6224
0809 CR:10430780000R
- Heung-A Shipping Co Ltd
Tel: 6438 9630 Fax: 6538 6368 CR:
- Hi-Tech Freight Forwarding
Tel: 6542 5228 Fax: 6542 5226 CR:35138060000Z
- Hiap Services
Tel: 6227 2955 Fax: 6227 2956 CR:34675840000M
- Hiap Woon Shipping
Tel: 6222 6511 Fax: 6222 0595 CR:12221840000W
- Hin Lung Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 6652 Fax: 6223 2980 CR:13410880000H
- Hitachi Transport System (Asia) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6535 8211 Fax: 6533 1050 CR:11028760000N
- HK-Asian Lines Pte Ltd
Tel: 6475 6455 Fax: 6476 5100 CR:10886780000D
- HK-Awards Consolidation Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6324 6166 Fax: 6324 6366
- Hock Lai Seng Transport Service & Trading Pte Ltd
Tel: 6765 8113 Fax:
6765 8115 CR:12889810000G
- Hoegh Lines c/o Harpers Shipping
Tel: 6221 1388 Fax: 6224 0376 CR:16304900000E
- Hoegh-Ugland Auto Liners A/S c/o Harpers Shipping
Tel: 6221 1388 Fax:
6224 0376 CR:16304900000E
- Hoy-San Stevedoring Pte Ltd
Tel: 6264 4454/3353 Fax: 6264 4456
- HRC c/o Straits Orient Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6298 9355 Fax: 6298 6544
CR: 13702890000H
- Hub Distributors Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6262 0313 Fax: 6262 0318
- HUB Int'l Container Line Pte Ltd
Tel: 6534 4866 Fax: 6534 4066 CR:14370930000Z
- HUB Marine Pte Ltd
Tel: 6534 4866 Fax: 6538 1953 CR:14370930000Z
- Hup Soon Cheong Services Ptd Ltd
Tel: 6272 3833 Fax: 6272 8085 CR:10670920000K
- Hyundai Merchant Marine (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6339 9844 Fax: 6336 9422 CR:12067960000H
top of page
- IAL Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 8380 Fax: 6223 8387 CR:18278950000M
- IAL Shipping Agency (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 6466 Fax: 6323 6433 CR:
- ICS Cargo Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 9222 Fax: 6542 3446 CR:11967790000G
- IDS Logistics Services
Tel: 6253 8333 Fax: 6862 1205 CR:70194000000Z
- IFB Int'l FreightBridge Pte Ltd
Tel: 6226 1880 Fax: 6220 6896 CR:15544890000E
- IFS Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6274 6840 Fax: 6276 9301 CR:13174920000K
- IFS Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6274 1600 Fax: 6272 7169 CR:12111940000Z
- IMC Shipping Co. Pte Ltd
Tel: 6336 2233 Fax: 6337 9705 CR:
- Imco Freight Forwards Pte Ltd
Tel: 6292 4747 Fax: 6293 5309 CR:12704920000G
- IMKOV Shipping
Tel: 6223 6273 Fax: 6225 3985 CR:15376810000W
- Impex Forwarders Pte Ltd
Tel: 6338 8234 Fax: 6338 3311 CR:15701830000G
- Independent Transport Co Pte Ltd
Tel: 6747 3717 Fax: 6748 3767 CR:10950830000G
- Indogulf Freight Services
Tel: 6333 4414 Fax: 6337 9026 CR:32823140000Z
- Integrated Agency
Tel: 6898 9189 Fax: 6898 9108 CR:10861730000G
- Inter-Asia Freight Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6226 4035 Fax: 6227 0884
- Intercontinental Maritime
Tel: 6223 4406 Fax: 6225 3543 CR:11452710000H
- Interflo Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 6630 Fax: 6221 2698 CR:12963840000M
- Intergroup Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 1354 Fax: 6323 6105 CR:14357880000W
- International Cargo Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6337 1500 Fax: 6337 9200
- International Freight Consultants (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 7168 Fax: 6272
7169 CR:16927930000M
- Intertrans Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 3229 Fax: 6225 3229 CR:11131970000K
- Intervessel Maritime
Tel: 6222 1822 Fax: 6222 1828 CR:10943860000H
- Ivy Warehousing & Transportation Pte Ltd
Tel: 6365 1683 Fax: 6365
1682 CR:17117960000C
top of page
- J&B Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6295 1191 Fax: 6298 8018 CR:77301010000D
- Jardine Liner Support Services
Tel: 6275 3533 Fax: 6275 5766 CR:
- Jardine Port Agencies
Tel: 6275 2788 Fax: 6275 2733 CR:
- Jardine Shipping Agencies
6323 2716 Fax: 6275 3098 CR:32428640000C
- JCNS Agency
Tel: 6296 2979 Fax: 6296 6397 CR:36250190000Z
- Jebsens International (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6749 7334 Fax: 6749 3292 CR:10237660000Z
- Jenkar Freight Services (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6270 4200 Fax: 6272 0328 CR:18056960000D
- Jesselton Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 5677 Fax: 6226 1171 CR:11402870000W
- Jetstar Logistic (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6247 7981 Fax: 6247 7980 CR:
- JF Hillebrands Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6735 1800 Fax: 6737 1773 CR: 73773020000N
- JFE Consolidators Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 2011 Fax: 6542 2684 CR: 13480940000W
- Jia Sheng Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6226 0332 Fax: 6223 3682 CR:13328980000D
- JL Logistics Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6546 0556 Fax: 6546 0557 CR:14833990000W
- JNC Line (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6270 4833 Fax: 6276 1033 CR:71651000000E
- Johnasia (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 5922 Fax: 6225 0184 CR:13505800000G
- Joint Reliance Forwarding Pte Ltd
Tel: 6735 3015 Fax: 6735 3018
- Joint Shipping & Container Pte Ltd
Tel: 6743 3955 Fax: 6743 4732
- Joo Tat Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 4638 Fax: 6222 8086 CR:14642890000C
- JSAS (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6533 5880 Fax: 6533 5881 CR:77301000000R
- Juno Shippping
Tel: 6536 7009 Fax: 6536 7001 CR:15580810000N
- Jupiter Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 0234 Fax: 6543 1967 CR:10598880000D
- JVC Asia Logistics Centre
Tel: 6868 6241 Fax: 6897 8568 CR:12685860000K
top of page
- K C Dat (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6261 8116 Fax: 6264 4354 CR:10186630000R
- K Line (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 8977 Fax: 6323 2216 CR:
- K.C. Dat Airfreight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 0244 Fax: 6542 3931 CR:11826770000R
- Kalimantan Shipping
Tel: 6222 1264 Fax: 6223 8452 CR:14432820000H
- Kanematsu Forwarding & Trading (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6779 0797 Fax:
6779 5916 CR:14583880000C
- Kapal Kris Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6324 7776 Fax: 6324 2377 CR:10731950000G
- Kardin-Wan Shen Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6535 3118 Fax: 6438 1559 CR:13566970000N
- Kawanishi Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 4113 Fax: 6323 4773 CR:14239900000K
- Kawashi International
Tel: 6336 6307 Fax: 6339 5736 CR:17761950000Z
- KCE Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6747 2822 Fax: 6747 5595 CR:15764980000C
- Keihin Multi-Trans (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6533 1757 Fax: 6533 6124 CR:10697890000N
- Kenwood Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6481 3812 Fax: 6481 2217 CR:12316970000E
- Keppel Container Line Pte Ltd
Tel: 6255 1800 Fax: 6250 1900 CR:14996940000E
- Keppel Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6861 1911 Fax: 6861 2168 CR:12345730000E
- Kestrel Logistics (Sea) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6294 1114 Fax: 6294 2280 CR:77730010000H
- Keystone Logistics Svcs Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 9555 Fax: 6225 5885 CR:12618910000G
- Kian Min Express Transport Pte Ltd
Tel: 6533 5522 Fax: 6534 3907 CR:10271940000W
- Kien Hung Line
Tel: 6225 0133 Fax: 6225 7115 CR:13770820000E
- Kim Heng Maritime Pte Ltd
Tel: 6777 9990 Fax: 6778 9990 CR:10703780000N
- KLN Shipping
Tel: 6841 7748 Fax: 6841 5650 CR:36479750000W
- KMS Logistics (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6863 7080 Fax: 6863 7090 CR:12408990000D
- KMTC Line c/o Modern Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 8558 Fax:
6220 9115 CR:12001740000N
- Kor-Mac Agency (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 9798 Fax: 6324 1696 CR:12071810000K
- Korchina Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6543 0383 Fax: 6543 0983 CR:14850970000R
- KSH Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 8966 Fax: 6273 0102 CR:13664880000E
- Kuehne & Nagel (S) Logistics
Tel: 6339 5115 Fax: 6339 5225 CR:10013940000N
- KWE-Kinietsu World Express (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 7778 Fax: 6545 6008
- Kyowa Line
Tel: 6323 8233 Fax: 6224 6142 CR:10380960000H
top of page
- Laksiri Int'l Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6293 5140 Fax: 6239 5930
- Le-Tan Freight & Transport Svcs
Tel: 6767 2035 Fax: 6767 7022 CR:37732850000Z
- Leo Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 1522 Fax: 6222 9256 CR:10824700000G
- LFS Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6743 2210 Fax: 6741 1424 CR:11673880000N
- Lian Hong Shipping & Trading Co
Tel: 6271 0618 Fax: 6271 6575 CR:31037110000C
- Lian Huat Shipping Co Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 0511 Fax: 6225 5994 CR:10012670000W
- Liang International Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 9900 Fax: 6224 2500
- Liang J Co. Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 9900 Fax: 6225 5994 CR:
- Lianwin Enterprise
Tel: 6291 4305 Fax: 6291 2776 CR:34692060000G
- Lily Marine Services
Tel: 6334 7266 Fax: 6334 7966 CR:
- Line Fast
Tel: 6223 7223 Fax: 6222 7838 CR:13513810000E
- Linea Setramar c/o Collyer Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6836 6766 Fax: 6733
0768 CR: 10653830000R
- Liner Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 6133 (20 Lines) Fax: 6223 6113 CR:
- Lloyd Triestino (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6392 1111 Fax: 6297 0506 CR:79116000000G
- LNS Express (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6749 8838 Fax: 6749 8848 CR: 16041940000H
- Logis Ltd
Tel: 6465 1688 Fax: 6468 6683 CR:20057870000Z
- Logistex Gobal (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 7729 Fax: 6227 7786
- Logistics Integrator Pte Ltd
Tel: 6325 9907 Fax: 6227 9791 CR:11590960000G
- Logsol Pte Ltd
Tel: 6862 3001 Fax: 6863 3141 CR:10600970000W
- Logtrans (F E) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6543 1780 Fax: 6543 1804 CR:15385910000H
- Lotango Forwarders (Pte) Ltd
Tel: 6271 3084 Fax: 6278 5662 CR:10287800000W
- LSL Freight Services
Tel: 6223 1831 Fax: 6224 1824 CR: 33241920000K
- LTH Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6268 9595 Fax: 6268 2617 CR:12728970000W
- Lucky Ship Management Pte Ltd
Tel: 6338 8155 Fax: 6339 0877 CR:11704980000Z
- Lykes Line
Tel: 6276 4388 Fax: 6276 0327 CR:
top of page
- M+R Forwarding Pte Ltd
Tel: 6226 0628 Fax: 6226 0621 CR:12592850000H
- M.O. Air International (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 8010 Fax: 6545 4975 CR:13765890000W
- Mac-Nels Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 2022 Fax: 6226 1650 CR:12005750000E
- Macoline
Tel: 6226 2711 Fax: 6226 3954 CR:14861900000H
- Madju Sendirian Berhad
Tel: 6225 8787 Fax: 6224 0856 CR:10138680000K
- Maersk Broker Singapore
Tel: 6323 8328 Fax: 6324 5751 CR:
- Maersk Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 2637 Fax: 6224 4039 CR:11591780000N
- Maersk Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 8323 Fax: 6223 3045 CR:11342740000D
- Mainsun Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6264 2378 Fax: 6264 0195 CR:76967010000R
- Malaysia Shipping Corp. Sdn Bhd c/o Eagle Liner Shipping Agencies P/L
6272 9828 Fax: 6272 9695 CR: 10212870000E
- Maldive Lines c/o Seaward Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 7878 Fax:
6220 7979 CR: 11453710000Z
- Marathon United Agency
Tel: 6222 6366 Fax: 6225 3405 CR:11497770000W
- Marchal Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6773 3316 Fax: 6773 2820 CR:15588930000E
- Marco Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 5561 Fax: 6224 6114 CR:10091780000E
- Marquis Services Pte Ltd
6897 7551 Fax: 6897 7565 CR:75326010000K
- Mars Freight Management Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 4507 Fax: 6545 5184 CR:14422980000H
- Maruwn Corporation Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6327 1738/40 Fax: 6327 1735
CR: 73651000000W
- Maruzen Showa (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 9373 Fax: 6221 5564 CR:14288960000G
- MC Trans Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6268 6100 Fax: 6268 6122 CR:14344940000M
- MCC Transport (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 2800 Fax: 6221 6066 CR:12173860000D
- MCL Logistics Asia Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 2471 Fax: 6222 4490 CR:12870950000N
- Mediterranean Shipping Company South East Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6327
7030 Fax: 6327 7040 CR: 79291000000H
- Mega-Air Pte Ltd
Tel: 6543 0115 Fax: 6542 0339 CR:10837910000W
- Megastar Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 8226 Fax: 6225 5993 CR: 10442660000G
- Megaton Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6473 7688 Fax: 6473 5901 CR:11797910000R
- Meiko Trans (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6224 8633 Fax: 6224 3841 CR:14698880000D
- Merlion Holdings Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 2178 Fax: 6272 2175 CR:10243920000G
- Merstar International (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 8833 Fax: 6545 8266 CR:11368890000Z
- Mid-America Overseas (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6543 4424 Fax: 6543 4434 CR:14111980000C
- Midwest Freight & Transportation Pte Ltd
Tel: 6748 5100 Fax: 6742
3306 CR:11163820000E
- Milenia Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6324 1348 Fax: 6223 6252 CR:70892000000Z
- Ming Hoe Shpg & Tpt Agency Pte Ltd
Tel: 6297 2816 Fax: 6297 1948
- Minmetals Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6538 5053 Fax: 6538 5090 CR:13027930000M
- Miracle Container Lines Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 0488 Fax: 6327 1425 CR:17122970000G
- MISC - Malaysian International Shipping Corporation Berhad
Tel: 6220 1522
Fax: 6224 2753 CR:10824700000G
- Mitsubishi Logistics Singapore P/L
Tel: 6262 1511 Fax: 6262 1101 CR:11320840000E
- Mitsui-Soko (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 6288 Fax: 6225 1379 CR:12365790000N
- Mobility Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 3081 Fax: 6220 7955 CR:19901375000D
- MOL (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 2811 Fax: 6225 6096
CR: 11626770000G
- Myanma Five Star Line
Tel: 6225
4611 Fax: 6275 3098 CR: 32428640000C
top of page
- Nagase Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6393 1250 Fax: 6398 0236 CR:10537750000E
- Naigai Nitto Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6566 1800 Fax: 6566 3600 CR:
- Nankai Transport International (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6543 3240 Fax: 6542
8970 CR: 16172970000N
- National Forwarders (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6546 1211 Fax: 6546 1101 CR:13229910000H
- Navix Line Ltd
Tel: 6221 2422 Fax: 6225 7405 CR:11478820000R
- NCL Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6344 9595 Fax: 6344 9555 CR:14269960000M
- NE Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6452 9681 Fax: 6542 9682 CR:78305010000D
- NEK Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6863 3808 Fax: 6863 3328 CR:
- Neo Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6224 2929 Fax: 6224 3759 CR:
- Nepa Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 9028 Fax: 6223 7862 CR:
- Neptina Agency
Tel: 6223 9197 Fax: 6223 1916 CR:
- Nera Maritime Transport (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6445 0451 Fax: 6245 1392 CR:
- New Guinea Pacific Line
Tel: 6221 2488 Fax: 6224 3996 CR: 11840730000G
- New Wave Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6333 8488 Fax: 6333 8227 CR:
- Newlink Container Line Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 2260 Fax: 6227 6806 CR:14443840000G
- Niche Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6733 7818 Fax: 6735 3526 CR: 12749970000N
- Nippon Express (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6565 5585 Fax: 6560 6535 CR:11583730000G
- Nishad Freight Forwarders Pte Ltd
Tel: 6293 8097 Fax: 6291 3438 CR:10386880000Z
- Nissin Transport (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 2935 Fax: 6545 9712 CR:14722830000G
- NNR Cargo Services (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 0479 Fax: 6542 4228/7709 CR:
- Norasia Container Lines Ltd c/o Jardine
Shipping Agencies
Tel: 6323 2716 Fax: 6275 3098 CR:
- North Africa Shipping Co.
Tel: 6227 2026 Fax: 6227 2231 CR:
- North West Express Line c/o Nordana (Asia) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 9907 Fax:
6221 0017 CR: 15182990000E
- Nortrans Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6665 6188 Fax: 6567 7005 CR:16511910000C
- NTL-Naigai Trans Line (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6324 5878 Fax: 6324 5882 CR:19115960000M
- NYK Bulkship (Asia) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6292 4342 Fax: 6293 2080
- NYK Line Asia Pte Ltd
Tel: 6295 0123 Fax: 6293 7354/293 7109 CR:10479900000E
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- Oasis Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6276 7421 Fax: 6276 7425 CR:70662000000M
- Ocean Anchor Global Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 0195 Fax: 6323 4582
- Ocean Bond Shipping Agencies P/L
Tel: 6324 1655 Fax: 6324 1755 CR:17146950000C
- Ocean Freight Forwarders Pte Ltd
Tel: 6292 3153 Fax: 6296 3651 CR:10091830000W
- Ocean Transportation Pte Ltd
Tel: 6268 0288 Fax: 6266 2239 CR:10445750000C
- Oceanwell Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6292 7890 Fax: 6292 2925 CR:15917920000R
- ODC Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6564 6686 Fax: 6564 6685 CR:14507900000N
- Odessa
Tel: 6337 8412 Fax: 6337 4985 CR:16757930000C
- OHIO Express International Pte Ltd
Tel: 6276 3228 Fax: 6276 3268 CR:
- OIA Global Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 8830 Fax: 6545 8082 CR:72977010000D
- OOCL (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6438 3383 Fax: 6438 2966 CR:11878780000H
- Orient Container & Whousing Svcs Pte Ltd
Tel: 6564 4866 Fax: 6564
3416 CR:11671770000R
- Orient Express Forwarding Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 9792 Fax: 6222 9985 CR:16181960000H
- Orient Express Lines (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 2567 Fax: 6221 9984 CR:73944010000H
- Orient Pacific Container Line
6224 5333 Fax: 6324 4333
- Orient Pacific Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 4662 Fax: 6227 9190 CR:13224960000K
- Oriental Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 9449 Fax: 6226 5525 CR:
- OV Container Lines Pte Ltd
Tel: 6273 2777 Fax: 6273 7572 CR:13434970000Z
top of page
- P&O Nedlloyd
Tel: 6333 8833 Fax: 6333 8560 CR: 20050800000M
- P.O. Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6546 8083 Fax: 6546 3034 CR:76458010000C
- PACC Container Line Pte Ltd
Tel: 6737 7655 Fax: 6839 7010/20 CR:15956830000N
- PAC Districentre Pte Ltd
Tel: 6316
7941 Fax: 6316 7937 CR:74167010000G
- Pacific Century Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 9929 Fax: 6227 2522 CR:72355000000C
- Pacific Concord Forwarding P/L
Tel: 6323 2231 Fax: 6323 2245 CR:19501940000Z
- Pacific Eagle Lines Pte Ltd c/o Eagle Liner Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
6272 9828 Fax: 6272 9695 CR: 10212870000E
- Pacific Intergrated Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 2168 Fax: 6542 4168
- Pactrans International Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 1322 Fax: 6323 3733 / 4288
CR: 18667940000Z
- Pan Ocean Transport Pte Ltd
Tel: 6266 3320 Fax: 6266 3371 CR:12661820000M
- Panalpina World Transport (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6274 0188 Fax: 6277 4848
CR: 12167770000M
- Panasia Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 7477 Fax: 6225 8919 CR:10520800000H
- Pancon Shipping & Marine Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6536 6550 Fax: 6536
6554 CR: 11323900000W
- PCLA Freight Mgmt (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6256 1970 Fax: 6732 6016 CR:12845890000K
- Pekanbaru Shipping (Pte) Ltd
Tel: 6533 8967 Fax: 6534 2832 CR:11114790000N
- Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas Sdn Bhd
Tel: 607-504 2222 Fax: 607-504 2280
- Pelangi Shipping
Tel: 6223 4455 Fax: 6223 6611 CR:12305770000D
- Pelni-Lines c/o Seaspace Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 6811 Fax: 6271
5405 CR: 20011140000W
- Penanshin Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 2992 Fax: 6324 2919 CR:18037940000N
- Pentagon Freight Services (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 0922 Fax: 6542 0939
- Perita Shipping & Trading
Tel: 6533 8525 Fax: 6532 2286 CR:14346810000D
- Petrolog Naigai (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6565 5518 Fax: 6563 0466/2722
CR: 11765910000R
- Phoenix Ineternational Freight (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6488 4188 Fax: 6488
4168 CR:14458950000K
- PIL - Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd
Tel: 6221 8133 Fax: 6225
8244 CR:10080670000E
- Pinnacle World Transport Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 8300 Fax: 6227 6213 CR:14337900000D
- Pioneer Express Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 3139 Fax: 6223 3932 CR:
- Pitwin Shipping & Trading Agency
Tel: 6221 4601 Fax: 6226 3116
- PN Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 1318 Fax: 6271 6016 CR: 11765910000R
- Po San Transport Pte Ltd
Tel: 6294
9622 Fax: 6294 9655 CR: 11166950000H
- Poh Tiong Choon Logistics Limited
Tel: 6668 8030 Fax: 6267 8791 CR:10049690000G
- Poh Tiong Choon Shipping (Pte) Ltd
Tel: 6323 6888 Fax: 6225 7641 CR:10372720000K
- Port of Hamburg
Tel: 6324 6823 Fax: 6324 6825 CR:14073940000R
- Potential Marine Services
Tel: 6295 1586 Fax: 6295 1589 CR:33970240000K
- Priority Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6224 4880 Fax: 6222 2577 CR:71417010000W
- Pro Line co/ Nortrans Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6665 6188 Fax:
6567 7005
- Pro World Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6261 1788 Fax: 6262 1366 CR:14414990000E
- PSA Corporation Limited
Tel: 6274 7111 Fax: 6279 4389
- PT (Persero) Djakarta Lloyd
Tel: 6323 1557 Fax: 6323 1559 CR:12028750000D
- Public Baggage & Tpt Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6737 1255 Fax: 6734
2690 CR:15712890000N
top of page
- QSA Marine & Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6275 5333 Fax: 6275 4333 CR:78653000000C
- Questor Cargo Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 7890 Fax: 6545 4827 CR:14863900000K
- Quickflo Forwarders Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 1152 Fax: 6545 3036 CR:12764840000N
top of page
- R E Rogers S'pore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6861 8388 Fax: 6861 8288 CR:13492790000K
- R J Forwarder & Transportation Svcs
Tel: 6354 4938 Fax: 6354 4939
- Raffles Movers International Pte Ltd
Tel: 6894 3720 Fax: 6894 3731
- Rapid Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6336 3990 Fax: 6338 0607 CR:13620830000N
- Raya Freight Express
Tel: 6760 4080 Fax: 6760 0777 CR:33485660000R
- RCL Feeder Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 0388 Fax: 6221 9760 CR:13855870000E
- Redicon Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6334 6322 Fax: 6334 7736 CR:11454950000W
- REEF Shipping c/o Newship Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6834 1810 Fax: 6834
1830 CR:
- Regional Express Line c/o Collyer Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6836 6776 Fax:
6733 0768 CR: 10653830000R
- Reny Transport & Trading Co
Tel: 6276 3031 Fax: 6296 9265 CR:30972600000K
- Reynolds Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6291 1343 Fax: 6298 0515 CR:
- RGW Forwarding Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 3100 Fax: 6324 2385 CR:17431950000W
- Rica Air & Sea Service Pte Ltd
Tel: 6258 9688 Fax: 6258 3233
- Rich Country Cargo Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 4998 Fax: 6223 4228 CR:14400940000M
- Richfield Marine Agencies (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 0133 Fax: 6225 7115
- Ricken Logistics (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6863 4895 Fax: 6863 4885
- Ricsin Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 1181 Fax: 6543 1108 CR:11084900000C
- Rohde & Liesenfeld Pte Ltd
Tel: 6324 0100 Fax: 6324 0212 CR:13272900000H
- Rohlig International (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6535 3345 Fax: 6535 7747 CR:10558900000D
- Rong De Distribution Pte Ltd c/o Rong De Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 62244 090/223
1833 (10 Lines) Fax: 6224 1046/327 1833
- Router Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 1663 Fax: 6545 8630 CR:72754000000H
- Royale Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6284 0370 Fax: 6284 7176 CR:10624990000C
- Roylea Express (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6280 8022 Fax: 6289 0055 CR:12351730000N
- Rulewave Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 5101 Fax: 6227 8132 CR:10657950000D
- RW Shipping Agencies (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6337 3393 Fax: 6339 5855 CR:17300950000N
top of page
- S F Maritime Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6533 3402 Fax: 3534 5420 CR:
- SA Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 2190 Fax: 6323 2191 CR:
- Sagasan Forwarding & Tpt (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6423 9573 Fax: 6423 0614
- Sallex Shipping & Forwarding Services
Tel: 6294 5466 Fax: 6294
8644 CR:36858550000C
- Salvino Del Bene (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 1600 Fax: 6224 0789 CR:13167830000H
- Samex Air System (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6746 8181 Fax: 6745 0217 CR:12758840000E
- Samudera Shipping Line Ltd
Tel: 6532 3688 Fax: 6534 0267 CR:10476680000D
- Sankyu (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6469 3911 Fax: 6469 7411 CR: 11116710000W
- Santa Fe Transport (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6463 0322 Fax: 6463 0355 CR:15738830000C
- Sasia Express Lines
Tel: 6275 3533 Fax: 6275 5766 CR:34631190000K
- SAT Albatros Sea-Air Transport P/L
Tel: 6898 3088 Fax: 6898 3089 CR:15534910000D
- Scanfreight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6533 1890 Fax: 6533 1892 CR:11048810000M
- Scanwell Consolidators (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 5478 Fax: 6546 2337 CR:13336890000M
- Schenker Singapore (Pte) Ltd
Tel: 6245 0888 Fax: 6245 5383 CR:
- SCI Line
Tel: 6298 6662 Fax: 6298 6544 CR:10183670000M
- SCS Freight Services
Tel: 6274 0292 Fax: 6274 5375 CR:34814840000N
- SDV (S.E.A) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6332 2555 Fax: 6332 2577 CR:14000830000W
- Sea Consortium Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 9033 Fax: 6223 9123 CR:10045720000C
- Sea Dragon Shipping Agencies
Tel: 6275 7800 Fax: 6275 5855 CR:
- Sea Sky Freight Management Pte Ltd
Tel: 6546 4646 Fax: 6543 4646 CR:12378940000c
- Sea Wheel Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 5427 Fax: 6545 5191 CR:11993820000Z
- Sea-Air Marketing Services
6742 3167 Fax: 6742 6919 CR:34294370000E
- Sea-Hawk Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6333 3231 Fax: 6333 3235 CR:12192910000K
- Sea-Pac Management
Tel: 6270 0977 Fax: 6275 2308 CR:12736800000H
- Sea-Shore Transportation Pte Ltd
Tel: 6270 9828 Fax: 6270 1806 CR:
- Seabridge Freight International
Tel: 6221 2311 Fax: 6735 2776 CR:13682930000C
- Seacon Freight Forwarders
Tel: 6338 7823 Fax: 6336 8469 CR:32535160000E
- Sealion Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6339 3637 Fax: 6338 0177/2677
- Seamark Maritime Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 6188 Fax: 6323 3625
- Seaward Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 7878 Fax: 6220 7979 CR:
- Seaway Shipping
Tel: 6221 7933 Fax: 6226 3853 CR:14616890000G
- Seaworld Shipping Agencies
Tel: 6224 2284 Fax: 6754 7965 CR:35116300000R
- Sembawang Kimtrans Ltd
Tel: 6463 2288 Fax: 6463 2233 CR:18934940000M
- Senator Lines Singapore
Tel: 6536 2750 Fax: 6536 2135 CR: 11534930000M
- Senlim Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6538 0600 Fax: 6538 9004 CR:14442970000G
- Setiausaha Pte Ltd
Tel: 6481 4758 Fax: 6481 7135 CR:11316730000C
- Shin Yamato Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 0317 Fax: 6225 7532 CR:11137790000M
- Shin Yang Maritime Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 6312 Fax: 6227 4683 CR:16079830000W
- Shine Express Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 1182 Fax: 6545 6613 CR:16115930000C
- Shinwa Kaiun Kaisha Ltd
Tel: 6323 6716 Fax: 6323 6718 CR:
- Shipco Transport Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 4644 Fax: 6224 3464 CR:10599790000M
- Shipping Corpn of India, Ltd
Tel: 6299 4535 Fax: 6299 5007 CR:10183670000M
- Shipping World Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 1032 Fax: 6542 1431 CR:70221010000Z
- Silk Express Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 8081 Fax: 6542 8089 CR:13342940000N
- Silver Speed Forwarding Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 7755 Fax: 6542 4255
- Sin Heng Shipping & Trading
Tel: 6534 2108 Fax: 6535 6350 CR:33295760000H
- Sin LCL Consol (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 6010 Fax: 6227 0263 CR:12071960000R
- Sincere Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 9298 Fax: 6542 9295 CR:10501960000G
- Singa Ship Agencies
Tel: 6224 4308 Fax: 6223 5848 CR:12284900000G
- Singapore Baggage Transport Agencies Pte Ltd (SBTA)
Tel: 6546 7887 Fax:
6546 0777 CR:10110470000M
- Singapore Technologies Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6462 8938 Fax: 6467 2988
- Singapore Tpt Supply Svc (Pte) Ltd
Tel: 6265 4277 Fax: 6265 3000 CR:10090620000C
- Sinose Maritime Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 1144 Fax: 6224 0181 CR:10741820000H
- Sintop International Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 1141 Fax: 6542 3516
- Sintrans World Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 6555 Fax: 6545 7462 CR:16676970000K
- Sinvitco Pte Ltd
Tel: 6292 0066 Fax: 6292 0068 CR:11840900000D
- Skill Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6741 7665 Fax: 6741 7926 CR:10692960000W
- SKK Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 4188 Fax: 6227 9207 CR:
- Sky Ocean Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6261 2212 Fax: 6266 2922 CR:15251980000D
- Sky Power Freight Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 6180 Fax: 6545 3929 CR:12838880000D
- Skytruck Forwarders (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 1162 Fax: 6546 1237 CR:13469830000N
- SL Cargo Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6224 7318 Fax: 6224 7317 CR:36696580000D
- Softship Data Processing Pte Ltd(Software House)
Tel: 6227 2497 Fax:
6224 8762
- Solex Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 3233 Fax: 6224 3233 CR:11597970000K
- Sony Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6862 1111 Fax: 6862 4204 CR:
- Soon Kiat Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 5088 Fax: 6224 3971 CR:11625720000Z
- Southern Cross Carriers Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 1121 Fax: 6223 1123 CR:
- Sovavto World Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 0419 Fax: 6222 3239 CR:
- SP Worldwide Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6372 1006 Fax: 6372 1003 CR:71984000000Z
- Speed Post Pte Ltd
Tel: 6746 6766 Fax: 6746 5459 CR:11226910000D
- Speedmark Consolidation Svc Pte Ltd
Tel: 6278 1113 Fax: 6278 5178 CR:10394850000H
- Spiral Transportation & Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6266 0105 Fax: 6265
7363 CR: 11575930000N
- SR Freight Services
Tel: 6282 5859 Fax: 6286 9823 CR:35230200000C
- Standard Shipping Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 2189 Fax: 6227 3116 CR:13890790000G
- Stager Freight Services (2002) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 4248 Fax: 6221 5848
- Star Shipping Agencies (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 6666 Fax: 6225 2470 CR:
- StorBest Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6266 5548 Fax: 6261 4056 CR:
- Sumachara Int'l Freight Forwarders P/L
Tel: 6295 0383 Fax: 6292 5659
- Sumiso (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6861 2358 Fax: 6861 5305 CR:11556850000E
- Sumitrans Corporation (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6538 2204 Fax: 6538 5504
- Summit Tptn & Warehousing Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 5651 Fax: 6323 4709
- Sunbreeze Enterprise Pte Ltd
Tel: 6337 2015 Fax: 6336 7525/339 4107
- Sunmoon Shipping Int'l Pte Ltd
Tel: 6297 5359 Fax: 6297 5360 CR:12783950000Z
- Sunship Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 2422 Fax: 6225 7405 CR: 74376020000E
- Suzuyo Fritz (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 5452 Fax: 6546 9140 CR:13589910000H
- SYT Container Line Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 4723 Fax: 6221 7042 CR:74385010000Z
top of page
- TA Asia Lines Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 0208 Fax: 6225 3130 CR:
- Tac-Tokyo Aircargo (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 0144 Fax: 6542 7008 CR:15156830000W
- Tai Thong Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6295 3322 Fax: 6295 1735 CR:10509860000E
- Takase Corporation (S'pore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6273 1400 Fax: 6273 5214 CR:11871890000H
- Tania (Asia) Shipping & Forwarding
Tel: 6337 3103 Fax: 6337 0227
- Target Road Malaysia Pte Ltd
Tel: 6854 1319 Fax: 6854 1143 CR:11736990000G
- Tasman Orient c/o Ben Line Agencies (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 3522 Fax:
6224 0182 CR: 10237660000Z
- Taurus Tptn & Forwarding Agencies Pte Ltd
Tel: 6271 4355 Fax: 6273
9902 CR:11612890000N
- TBC Transportation & Trading Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 9959 Fax: 6275 5356
- Ten-Up International Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 4041 Fax: 6542 3546 CR:14706980000K
- TFS Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6262 6090 Fax: 6262 6177 CR:11175860000H
- The Nd Shpg Co S. Arabia
Tel: 6225 9993 Fax: 6323 4926 CR:10237660000Z
- The Unithai Line Limited
Tel: 6221 2422 Fax: 6225 7405 CR:11478820000R
- Thru-Continental Express
Tel: 6222 7890 Fax: 6222 3307 CR:10332960000G
- Tiger Trans Int'L Pte Ltd
Tel: 6275 5518 Fax: 6275 5520 CR:11327980000Z
- Titan Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6226 1511 Fax: 6226 2511 CR:15004900000E
- TNL Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6560 0712 Fax: 6560 0743 CR: 13608890000Z
- Tokyu World Transport (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 1333 Fax: 6542 1285 CR:
- Tong Aik Hardware Machinery Pte Ltd
Tel: 6862 3393 Fax: 6862 3023 CR:
- Tong Joo Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 1333 Fax: 6221 5272 CR: 13766880000C
- Tourmaline Freight & Transport Agency
Tel: 6846 1992 Fax: 6846
1993 CR:35172980000C
- Toyofuji Shipping Co., Ltd
Tel: 6333 8201 Fax: 6333 8036 CR:10170820000H
- Traffic Link (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6533 1223 Fax: 6438 3113 CR:15593970000M
- Trancy Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 6769 Fax: 6220 0703 CR:15250910000C
- Trans Air & Sea Cargo Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 3218 Fax: 6221 0995 CR:11442950000D
- Trans Concorde Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6270 6020 Fax: 6270 6029 CR:14624930000D
- Trans Global Projects (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6291 1455 Fax: 6291
2877 CR:13048940000R
- Trans Ocean Distribution Ltd
Tel: 6325 0883 Fax: 6325 4006 CR:20052280000W
- Trans Orient Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6264 4454 Fax: 6264 4456 CR:12991790000R
- Trans Point Agency Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 8233 Fax: 6225 7922 CR:14632970000D
- Trans-Avia Logistic Services P/L
Tel: 6261 9003 Fax: 6261 8287 CR:15509910000Z
- Trans-International Shipping & Forwarding (S) P/L
Tel: 6345 1066 Fax:
6345 1855 CR:12961820000R
- Trans-Link Exhibition Forwarding Pte Ltd
Tel: 6463 9868 Fax: 6467 9467
- Trans-Link Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6463 9868 Fax: 6467 4800 CR:13837820000E
- Transmec Singapore Pte Ltd
6223 9388 Fax: 6223 3379 CR:78460020000G
- Trans-Pacific Forwarders & Shipping Agency Pte Ltd
Tel: 6276 8363 Fax:
6276 8358 CR:11393900000G
- Transit Air Cargo Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6438 1686 Fax: 6438 1466 CR:78298010000R
- Transocean Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6282 8010 Fax: 6842 1060 CR:12639910000D
- Transpeed Shipping Agencies (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 0044 Fax: 6542 8787
- Transware Distribution Services
Tel: 6861 2345 Fax: 6861 6451 CR:11778900000N
- Trend Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6844 4428 Fax: 6844 4482 CR:11370910000R
- Tri-Net Logistics (Asia) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 3472 Fax: 6421 9279 CR:
- TSKLine
Tel: 6295 0123 Fax: 6293
7354 CR: 11834780000N
- TVL Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6273 4393 Fax: 6273 4392 CR:16935970000M
- TW Transport International Pte Ltd
Tel: 6269 3098 Fax: 6269 3115 CR:12194700000R
- Tye Soon Ltd
Tel: 6567 8604 Fax: 6567 8884 CR:10114570000E
top of page
- UASC-United Arab Shipping Co.
Tel: 6275 5788 Fax: 6275 5688 CR:37004010000Z
- UCM Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 1622 Fax: 6222 1722 CR:12039880000W
- UCS Logistics & Warehousing Pte Ltd
Tel: 6336 1380 Fax: 6336 1389
- Ultimate Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6223 4511 Fax: 6224 6892
- Unicon Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6872 4529 Fax: 6872 2591 CR:12388950000C
- Unifix Shipping (International) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6324 3410 Fax: 6324 3412
- Uniglory Line
Tel: 6347 7188 Fax: 6227 3045 CR:79116000000G
- Unilink Cargo Management Pte Ltd
Tel: 6227 0131 Fax: 6325 4140
- Union Asia Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6224 3238 Fax: 6224 0828 CR:12421950000D
- Union Pacific Freight International Pte Ltd
Tel: 6226 0228 Fax: 6220
9443 CR: 13842970000H
- Union Services (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6391 1021 Fax: 6296 8662 CR:11961800000E
- United Asian Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 0314 Fax: 6323 0286 CR:18014940000R
- Universal Link Enterprises Pte Ltd
Tel: 6533 2755 Fax: 6532 5923 CR:15697940000H
- Uppollo Freight Express
Tel: 6292 9245 Fax: 6292 9360 CR:35074640000M
- USN - Newport Express (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6324 6980 Fax: 6324 1409 CR:15711960000K
- UT-Ways Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 8336 Fax: 6545 8295 CR:13306890000N
- UTC Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6268 8020 Fax: 6268 2336 CR:16154910000G
- UTI Worldwide (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 6666 Fax: 6324 6448 CR:15401930000M
top of page
- Vanguard Logistics Services (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6311 4133 Fax: 6220 9910
- Vasco Maritime Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 5510 Fax: 6324 1126 CR:14855980000W
- VCK-Vanuatu Air (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 3911 Fax: 6542 1281 CR:11539950000C
- Vern Land & Sea Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6776 0318 Fax: 6776 0652
- Viethong Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6323 1233 Fax: 6325 0633 CR:11083890000G
- Victory Container Lines Pte Ltd
6325 0152 Fax: 6222 0144 CR:70203030000K
- Vim Ocean Freight Forwarder & Trader
Tel: 6291 9963 Fax: 6291 1673
- Visa Freight Services Pte Ltd
Tel: 6225 6966 Fax: 6224 3286 CR:11888840000C
- Vistrans Agencies (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6226 3898 Fax: 6225 0932 CR:13933960000N
- Voyer Freight International
Tel: 6746
2806 Fax: 6744 9985
top of page
- Wako Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 0101 Fax: 6542 9381 CR:11101790000H
- Wallem Shipping
Tel: 6271 2611 Fax: 6271 9569 CR:10826900000Z
- Wallenius Lines
Tel: 6220 4906 Fax: 6372 1144 CR:11147700000Z
- Wan Hai International Pte Ltd
Tel: 6226 1588 Fax: 6224 1163 CR: 14695920000R
- WAP Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6271 7800 Fax: 6271 9100 CR:79705000000K
- Waterman Freight Logistics Pte Ltd
Tel: 6324 3096 Fax: 6324 3097 CR:
- Waterman Steamship Corpn
Tel: 6223 5561 Fax: 6224 6114 CR:10091780000E
- Watertrans Agencies
Tel: 6225 1200 Fax: 6224 1201 CR:36507320000D
- Waterway Container Lines Pte Ltd
6222 2214 Fax: 6222 2625
- Welgrow Line Pte Ltd
Tel: 6221 8622 Fax: 6225 4987 CR: 11579920000K
- WF-Worldtrans Int'l P/L
Tel: 6291 3311 Fax: 6296 2632 CR:12856890000N
- Wheeler Logistic Pte Ltd
Tel: 6267 4666 Fax: 6264 1211 CR:12385850000Z
- Wilson International Freight P/L
Tel: 6542 5455 Fax: 6542 7203 CR:10932770000D
- World Ace Freight Express (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6546 2711 Fax: 6546 3711
- World Freight Pte Ltd
Tel: 6545 2035 Fax: 6545 2034 CR:11910800000K
- World Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6273 6678 Fax: 6270 4901 CR:15802970000K
- Worldgate Express Lines Pte Ltd
Tel: 6226 1911 Fax: 6220 8073 CR:10133900000E
- Worldway Express Pte Ltd
Tel: 6222 1522 Fax: 6222 1533 CR:13984940000N
- Worldwide Unix (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6272 2792 Fax: 6272 3130 CR:10745900000G
- WPC Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6738 0605 Fax: 6838 0605 CR:14458970000E
- WYN2000 Transport & Containers Svcs Pte Ltd
Tel: 6266 0566 Fax:
6266 0966 CR:72930010000R
top of page
- X'Press Logistics (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6542 2284 Fax: 6545 2284 CR:13007950000C
- Xin Yuan (S) Maritime & Enterprises Pte Ltd
Tel: 6534 1729 Fax:
6532 4423 CR:18677930000E
- Xour Line Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 3992 Fax: 6226 1657 CR:15337920000N
top of page
- Yamatane Singapore Pte Ltd
Tel: 6466 6882 Fax: 6466 9924 CR:14792900000D
- Yamato Transport (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6278 3058 Fax: 6273 3228 CR:12553830000N
- Yang Ming Shipping (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6372 4648 Fax: 6224 7375
- Yong Hai Agencies
Tel: 6734 6811 Fax: 6734 0323 CR:32376190000Z
- Young More Shipping Pte Ltd
Tel: 6534 5969 Fax: 6535 6200 CR: 79157000000H
- Yusen Air & Sea Service (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6546 8858 Fax: 6546 8022
CR: 10428790000W
top of page
- Zim Container Service c/o Star Shipping Agencies (S) Pte Ltd
Tel: 6220 6666
Fax: 6225 2470 CR: 10310650000E
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